Sunday Home Gatherings We weren’t designed to do life alone, now more than ever. Join a Grace Sunday Gathering and stay connected. Ladies of Grace We seek to grow in grace and truth through the study of God’s Word, prayer, small groups, and life-to-life discipleship. Men We seek to provide our men fruitful contexts for spiritual growth and discipleship. Overflow Youth We seek to provide our men fruitful contexts for spiritual growth and discipleship Children & Families We seek to walk alongside parents in every step of their child’s faith journey. Young Adults Enjoy meaningful connections and life-giving conversations with other adults in their 20’s Local Outreach Use your unique gifts and resources to serve the community around us. Global Outreach Use your unique gifts and resources to impact the world. Serve at Grace Use your God-given gifts and passions to serve the church. Prayer Prayer is essential to the life of faith. Join us in prayer.