God is with us and so we seek to live our lives in conscious communion with our Heavenly Father. We believe as Christians that prayer is not simply relegated to specific times and places but is a general posture of the heart where everything we see and experience is lived in deep awareness of and surrender to the Living God.
Do You Need Prayer?
Do you attend Grace and need prayer for yourself or a family member? If so, submit a prayer request below or by emailing [email protected] and our prayer team coordinator will send it to our prayer team via email. If for any reason, you would like your identity to remain unknown, please mention that in your request, and you will be listed as ‘Anonymous.’
Wednesday Zoom Prayer Meetings
We are committing Wednesdays as a community day of prayer. Please consider fasting from one meal on Wednesdays and joining us for a time of prayer.
Every Wednesday we have Zoom prayer meetings at 7am open to all of our community. This 30-minute time of guided prayer with the pastors includes, Scriptural meditation, personal prayer, and intercessory prayer.
Get Involved in Praying for Others
Sunday Morning Prayer Team
On Sundays after each service people are available to pray with you in our prayer room located just outside the sanctuary through the north exit doors.
Email Prayer Team
We have a large group of people who are committed to praying regularly for the Grace family. Once a week they receive an emailed list of prayer requests to present to God.
Prayer is beyond question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when he comes face to face with God.
Martin Lloyd-Jones