Marriage provides myriad opportunities for maturity and sanctification. Marriage mentorship is a context to do the work required for transformation to take place, with the byproduct of an increasingly joyful and fulfilling marriage.
At the same time, Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:15-16 that the church body is intended to build itself up through the gifts and wisdom of its members for the purpose of maturity in Christ. Marriage mentorship is: a context in which the body can build itself into maturity, an opportunity for mentor couples to exercise the wisdom and maturity gained through years of marriage, and an opportunity for mentee couples to humbly receive the love and wisdom of those who have traveled the road of marriage ahead of them.
A 12-week commitment at a pace that makes sense for the mentee and the mentor couple. We ask all couples to complete the first four sessions of the curriculum we have selected, but the curriculum includes 12 sessions. The first four sessions serve as a means for the mentee couple to make an assessment of their marriage, and for the mentor couple to get to know the mentee couple.
After the first four weeks, mentee couples are free to address specific topics, issues, or questions they may have, continue in the curriculum, or choose a different curriculum or book that they discern (with the mentor couple) to be helpful.
After 12 weeks, the mentor and mentee couple are free to continue meeting at a pace that makes sense for both or discontinue if circumstances or schedule do not allow.
Mentor couples attend Grace and represent marriages marked by wisdom, faithfulness, and experience. They are not counselors or therapists (some mentors may be by profession), but they have been trained for mentorship so that they can listen attentively and care for your marriage.
Anyone can benefit from mentorship, so regardless of your age or marital satisfaction, you will benefit and grow from focused time and attention on your marriage.
Marriage mentorship is always available. We have a large pool of mentor couples available to begin anytime.
Mentors and mentees will choose a meeting location that makes sense for both. The day, time, and frequency of meeting will also be decided by the mentee and mentor couples.