Our Leadership

Lead Pastors

Dave Gundlach

Co-Lead Pastor | ext. 12

Dave serves as our primary Sunday morning teacher at Grace, providing substantive Bible teaching in a manner that’s both understandable and relevant to our everyday lives. Dave is active in men’s discipleship, pastoral care and works alongside Mark Page and the elders to help shape the vision and values of our church. Dave and his […]

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Mark Page

Co-Lead Pastor | ext. 11

Mark serves as the primary overseer of our staff, ministries and operations at Grace and works alongside Dave Gundlach and the elders to help shape the vision and values of our church. Mark also heads our Axios men’s discipleship ministry and provides pastoral care to our church body. Mark and his wife Tracy have two […]

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  • Shared Leadership
  • Staff Leadership
  • Elder Leadership
  • Contact Us
Shared Leadership

Shared Leadership

A question we frequently get asked is, “Who’s the senior pastor around here?” Rather than looking to a particular individual to lead our church we have adopted a shared-model of senior leadership. Under the direction of the Elders, Mark Page and Dave Gundlach serve as co-lead staff pastors of Grace. Dave serves as our primary Sunday morning teaching pastor while Mark focuses on pastoral discipleship, leadership and oversight to our staff, ministries and operations.  This shared model of senior leadership allows us to empower our leaders according their unique giftedness, without requiring any one of them to be all things to all people

Staff Leadership

Staff Leadership

In an effort to facilitate the ministry of the entire church, we have empowered certain staff members to work in a full or part-time capacity. Staff members each fill specific roles in order to spiritually shepherd our congregation in a variety of contexts and life stages. Whether its our ministry to adults, youth or children, or handling the various administrative needs of the church, our staff enhances the collective ministry of Grace Fellowship Church.

Healthy leadership requires healthy leaders. With this in mind, we work hard to provide our staff with an environment that is life-giving and a schedule that is sustainable over many years of ministry.

Elder Leadership

Elder Leadership

Jesus calls biblically qualified men to lead His church as elders. The primary responsibility of elders is to serve as spiritual overseers of the church. The elders are involved in a number of duties such as praying, teaching and discipleship, leading the vision for the church, determining church policy, caring for the people of the church and protecting sound doctrine.

Qualifications for eldership are found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. These qualifications include a mature faith, faithful leadership in the home, faithful service in everyday life, a thorough knowledge of the Bible, and a good reputation both in and out of the church. We believe there are many benefits to a plurality of godly leaders. Their combined counsel and wisdom helps assure that decisions are not self-willed or self-serving to a single individual.

Contact Us

Contact Us

We would love to connect with you & meet you!  You can contact us at any time either via email, in person at a Sunday service, or on the phone 714-549-8599. We are here for you!

Our Staff

Gina Carpenter

Manager of Accounting | ext. 13

Michael Fausett

OVERFLOW Worship Pastor

Sofia Seidman

Associate of High School | ext. 24

Bre Gardner

Associate of Junior High | ext. 23

Julio Ibarra

Facilities Superintendent | ext. 25

Rob Johnson

Pastor of Families & Home Groups | ext. 16

Natalie Lawrence

Pastor of College Ministry

Trevor Lawrence

Pastor of High School | ext. 20

Christina Levasheff

Pastor of Women | ext. 14

Jessica Murrietta

Director of Ministry Support | ext. 22

Joel Owen

Worship Coordinator

Scott Owen

Director of Musical Worship | ext. 26

Tracy Page

Administrator | ext. 10

Melissa Rivera

Childcare Coordinator | ext. 18

Luke Seidman

Pastor of Junior High | ext. 21

Joy Young

Director of Children’s Ministry | ext. 17

Ryan Zeulner

Pastor of Missions | ext. 15


Dave Gundlach

Co-Lead Pastor | ext. 12

Mark Page

Co-Lead Pastor | ext. 11

Jim Williams

Bob Sklar


Blake Vail
