The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.
Psalms 24:1
The Bible makes clear that our perspective and stewardship of the resources God entrusts to us are illuminating indicators of the condition of our hearts. This includes how we handle the truth of the gospel, our time, our God-given gifts, the people he has placed in our lives and the material blessings he has made available to us.
Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21
Part of our worshipful response to God’s grace in our lives is to give of our financial resources from a place of gratitude. At Grace, we don’t pass offering plates, but we encourage you within the context of worship to give to this community as the Lord leads you.
Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Our offering boxes are located near the exit doors in the rear of the church.
Please know that we take your privacy and security seriously. All of the giving options we provide are not just convenient and easy to use, but are secure, private, and safe. You can give in person or online with full confidence.
Additional Ways to Give
Enroll for free! Click on the logo to link your credit and/or debit cards. With each purchase from participating merchants missions will receive a percentage of each purchase (up to 20%).
Go directly to Amazon Smile, and choose Grace Fellowship Church of Costa Mesa as your Charity. Before every purchase, access your Amazon account at just as you would, and a portion of every designated purchase will go to Grace Fellowship Church.
We are grateful to God for the generous spirit so many of you have demonstrated and we will continue to seek God’s guidance and wisdom in the stewardship of the resources He has provided to His church. If you would like to go deeper in your understanding of what the Bible has to say about giving and stewardship, you can read or download our “The Grace of Giving” booklet.