The Alpha Course Dinner, Wednesday, September 25th, 6:30 pm at Dick Church’s (2698 Newport Blvd)

   Sign up HERE.


What Is Alpha?

Watch a Promo Video HERE.

Alpha is a series of seven sessions exploring questions about life, faith, God, and meaning. It’s a space where no question is off the table, and you can process these questions alongside others. Each week, one key question about the Christian faith is emphasized, and the session includes a short talk, dinner, and discussion with others.

Alpha is for anyone and everyone who has questions about the Christian faith. No matter where you find yourself with faith, God, or church – you are welcome to join us!

Each night consists of dinner and a short video on a topic or question, followed by a small group discussion about that topic. The small group time is a chance to process, ask questions, express doubts or confusion & learn from other people’s experiences and perspectives. Here’s a rough timeline:

  • 6:30-7:00 | Dinner (sharing a meal is a great way to bring people together)
  • 7:00-7:30 | Video/Talk (hear a short talk centered around questions about the Christian faith)
  • 7:30-8:30 | Discussion (share questions, doubts, and thoughts on the topic in a small group)

All are welcome

REGISTER —–>   Sign up HERE.